Parliament met for its fourteenth sitting of the Session
Private member business was taken up in both Lok Sabha and
Rajya Sabha.
As per the list of business for the day, discussion on the
General Budget was scheduled to begin today.
Opposition members however pointed out that as the Finance Minister was
not present in the House, discussion be deferred until Monday.
Snapshot of legislative business this week:
The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency
in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement (Amendment) Bill, 2015
passed by Lok Sabha. Bill pending in Rajya Sabha currently.2.
Coal Mines Special Provisions Bill and Mines and
Minerals (Development and Regulation) Bill referred to Select Committees of
Rajya Sabha.3.
Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill passed by Rajya
Sabha. The Bill was passed by Lok Sabha last week.4.
Insurance Laws (Amendment) Bill passed by Rajya
Sabha. The Bill was passed by Lok Sabha last week.5.
Standing Committee Report on Anti Hijacking Bill
presented. The Anti-Hijacking Bill, 2014 was introduced in the Rajya Sabha and
is currently pending in the House.
Productivity until
yesterday was at 114% in Lok Sabha and 94% in Rajya Sabha.
Question Hour in
Lok Sabha has functioned for 83% of its scheduled time, while in Rajya Sabha it
has functioned for 98% of its scheduled time as of yesterday.