Bill Summary
The Telangana (Regulation of Appointments to Public Services and Rationalisation of Staff Pattern and Pay Structure) (Amendment) Bill, 2024
The Telangana (Regulation of Appointments to Public Services and Rationalisation of Staff Pattern and Pay Structure) (Amendment) Bill, 2024 was introduced on August 2, 2024. It amends the 1994 Act on this subject. The Act establishes the framework for recruitment for government services.
Appointments under special consideration: Under the Act, the state government has powers to extend employment to: (i) child or spouse of any
employee who dies during service, or retires early on medical grounds, and (ii) persons affected by communal violence, SC/ST atrocities, police firing, and bomb blasts. Under the Bill, the state government may also extend employment to meritorious sportspersons
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