Human Resource Development
  • The Indian Institutes of Information Technology Bill, 2013 was introduced in the Lok Sabha on March 18, 2013 by the Minister of Human Resource Development, Mr. M.M. Pallam Raju. 
  • The Bill seeks to declare certain institutions of information technology to be institutions of national importance and creates mechanisms to establish new Indian Institutes of Information Technology (IIITs).
  • Objectives of the Institutes include advancing new information and innovation in information technology and improving the capabilities of youth in information technology and allied fields.
  • Powers of the Institutes include providing instruction in information technology related fields, conducting research and granting degrees.
  • Financing of the Institutes: New IIITs may be established by the central government, or in public-private partnership (PPP) mode between the central government, state government and an industry partner.  In the case of PPPs, the state government shall identify an industry partner for collaboration and submit a proposal to the central government.  On acceptance of the proposal, the central government will enter into a memorandum of understanding or agreement with the concerned state government and the industry partner for the establishment of the proposed IIIT.  Every IIIT shall be a not-for-profit legal entity and all funds must be used to meet the expenses of the IIIT.  Funds may also be used for the furtherance of research and as capital investment for the development of the IIIT.
  • Board of Governors: The Board shall be the principal executive body of each Institute.  It will be headed by a Chairperson, and consist of faculty members and persons from the fields of information technology.   The Board will be responsible for the general superintendence, direction and control of the affairs of the institute and shall have the power to frame, amend, modify and rescind the Statutes and Ordinances governing the Institutes. Statues provide for matters such as the constitution, powers and duties of the authorities of the Institute, conferment of honorary degrees and fees to be charged for courses.
  • Senate: The Senate will be the principle academic body of each Institute.  It will be chaired by the Director of the Institute and consist of senior faculty members and persons of eminence from the field of information technology.  It shall have the power to enact, amend or modify Ordinances governing academic matters such as process of admission, courses of study and conduct of examinations.
  • Research Council:  Research Councils shall be instituted to organise and promote research in the institutes.  They will provide an interface with research funding organisations and industry, and provide for the incubation of technology applications emerging from research.  
  • Director: The Director will be the principle executive officer of every institute and exercise powers and discharge duties as assigned by the Act, or Statutes or Ordinances or by the Board or Senate.
  • Performance Review: All Institutes shall establish a Committee to review the performance of the Institute within the first seven years of establishment and every fifth year thereafter.
  • Council: A Council shall be established to coordinate the activity of all the institutes.  It will consist of Ministers of the central and state governments having administrative control over technical education, industry partners, Chairpersons and Directors of all Institutes and persons of eminence in the field of information technology.  Key functions include deliberating on matters of common interest to Institutes and considering the establishment of new Institutes in PPP mode.  


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