Vital Stats
Functioning of the 4th Chhattisgarh Legislative Assembly (2014-2018)
The elections for the 5th Chhattisgarh Legislative Assembly are scheduled to be held in two phases: Phase I on November 12, 2018 and Phase II on November 20, 2018. In this context, we analyse data on the work done by the 4th Assembly (January 2014 to September 2018).
The 4th Assembly sat for an average of 29 days in a year, witnessed 3 no-confidence motions |
Budget sessions comprised 98 days (68%) of the total 145 sittings |
Note: The Assembly had three to four sessions every year. |
Note: Legend indicates discussion time on each item. |
5% of time spent on legislation; 104 Bills were passed |
Note: The 104 Bills passed do not include 20 Appropriation Bills. |
94% of Bills passed within a week of introduction; limited discussion and scrutiny of Bills |
10% of time in each session spent on the Question Hour |
Sources: Session end resume and list of Bills passed for years 2014 to 2018 from Chhatisgarh Legislative Assembly website; PRS. |
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