11.02.2025 |
Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (Cafeteria Scheme)
Unstarred |
Agriculture and Farmers Welfare |
10.02.2025 |
Data of Child Labourers
Unstarred |
Labour and Employment |
19.12.2024 |
Establishment of Hosur Airport
Unstarred |
Civil Aviation |
18.12.2024 |
Redevelopment of Hosur Railway Station
Starred |
Railways |
17.12.2024 |
Establishment of Floriculture and Horticulture Special Zones
Unstarred |
Agriculture and Farmers Welfare |
16.12.2024 |
Educational Kits by CBSE
Unstarred |
Education |
16.12.2024 |
Setting up of More than One KV in a District
Unstarred |
Education |
13.12.2024 |
Development of Multi-Modal Ports
Unstarred |
Ports, Shipping and Waterways |
13.12.2024 |
Registered Practitioners for AYUSH
Unstarred |
12.12.2024 |
Ethanol Blending in Petrol
Unstarred |
Petroleum and Natural Gas |
12.12.2024 |
Metro Train Projects in Tamil Nadu
Starred |
Housing and Urban Affairs |
11.12.2024 |
Farmer Beneficiaries Registered under PM-KUSUM
Starred |
New and Renewable Energy |
09.12.2024 |
Losses of Job in Informal Sector
Unstarred |
Labour and Employment |
09.12.2024 |
New KVs in Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Jharkhand
Unstarred |
Education |
06.12.2024 |
AYUSH Health and Wellness Centres
Unstarred |
05.12.2024 |
Emergency Landing of Flights
Unstarred |
Civil Aviation |
04.12.2024 |
Bidding for Coal Blocks situated in Densely Forested Areas
Unstarred |
Coal |
03.12.2024 |
Excise Duty Share with Rural Local Body
Unstarred |
Panchayati Raj |
03.12.2024 |
Promoting Organic Farming
Unstarred |
Agriculture and Farmers Welfare |
02.12.2024 |
Development of Tourism Spots in Tamil Nadu
Unstarred |
Tourism |
29.11.2024 |
Vacancies of Judges
Unstarred |
Law and Justice |
29.11.2024 |
Recognition of Acupuncture
Unstarred |
Health and Family Welfare |
28.11.2024 |
Land Acquisition from Farmers
Unstarred |
Road Transport and Highways |
27.11.2024 |
Coal Demand for Tamil Nadu
Unstarred |
Coal |
09.08.2024 |
Appointment and Amenities for Judges
Unstarred |
Law and Justice |
09.08.2024 |
Drug Regulatory Body for Veterinary Medicines
Starred |
Health and Family Welfare |
08.08.2024 |
Coastal Highways in Tamil Nadu
Unstarred |
Road Transport and Highways |
08.08.2024 |
Power from Non-Fossil Fuels
Unstarred |
Power |
07.08.2024 |
Dependency of Coal Imports
Unstarred |
Coal |
06.08.2024 |
Beneficiaries under PM-KISAN Yojana
Unstarred |
Agriculture and Farmers Welfare |
06.08.2024 |
Reservation for Women
Unstarred |
Panchayati Raj |
05.08.2024 |
Employment Generation Opportunities
Unstarred |
Labour and Employment |
05.08.2024 |
Basic Education in Rural Areas
Unstarred |
Education |