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Human Resource Development
  • The Architects (Amendment) Bill, 2010 was introduced in the Rajya Sabha on August 31, 2010 by the Minister of Human Resource Development, Shri Kapil Sibal. The Bill was referred to the Standing Committee on Human Resource Development, which is scheduled to submit its report within two months.
  • The Bill seeks to amend the Architects Act, 1972 which provides for the registration of architects.
  • The Act empowers the central government to establish a Council of Architecture, which may prescribe minimum standards of architectural education in India and shall maintain the register of architects.
  • The Act states that the tenure of an elected or nominated member of the Council is three years from the date of election or nomination or until his successor has been duly elected or nominated, whichever is later. The Bill deletes the provision that allows a member to remain in the Council till his successor is appointed so that he does not continue after his tenure.
  • The Bill states that names and addresses of each member of the Council shall be notified by the central government.
  • The central government may issue directions to the Council if it feels that is necessary to do in public interest. The reasons shall be recorded and communicated to the Council. The directions may include requiring the Council to amend any regulations in a specified time and give priority to any work undertaken by the Council in a specified manner.
  • The central government may supersede the Council for a maximum of two years if it fails or persistently defaults in the performance of its duties, has exceeded or abused its powers or has willfully not complied with the directions of the central government. The Council shall be allowed to explain and raise objections.


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