Health and Family Welfare
  • The Dentists (Amendment) Bill, 2019 was introduced in Lok Sabha by Mr. Harshvardhan, Minister of Health and Family Welfare on June 27, 2019.   The Bill amends the Dentists Act, 1948.  The Act regulates the profession of dentistry and constitutes: (i) the Dental Council of India, (ii) State Dental Councils, and (iii) Joint State Dental Councils.  
  • A register of dentists is maintained under the Act in two parts, Part A and Part B.  Persons possessing recognised dental qualifications are registered in Part A and persons not possessing such qualifications are registered in Part B.  The persons in Part B are Indian citizens who have been practicing as dentists for at least five years prior to a registration date notified by the state government.  
  • Composition of the dental councils:  Under the Act, composition of the Dental Council of India, State Dental Councils, and Joint State Dental Councils includes representation from dentists registered in Part B.  The Bill seeks to remove the mandatory requirement of the representation of dentists registered in Part B in these Councils.


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