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External Affairs
  • The Nalanda University (Amendment Bill), 2013 was introduced in the Rajya Sabha on September 5, 2013 by the Ministry of External Affairs and has been referred to the Standing Committee for detailed examination. The Act establishes Nalanda University in Bihar as a result of decisions taken at the East Asia Summits.
  • Under the Act, the University is a non-profit public-private partnership, supported by each member country as well as other sources. The Bill amends the Act to provide for the Government of India to meet the university’s capital and recurring expenditure to the extent required.
  • The powers of the University are amended to include the power to set up a consortium of international partners to meet the objectives of the University, and appoint persons working in any other University or academic institution, including those located outside India, as faculty of the University.
  • The size of the Governing Board of the University is being increased to include two persons of eminence and two members from the academic faculty of the University. The Bill also makes provision for the appointment of Deans and Provosts.


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