Data corresponds to the period from 01-06-2009 to 05-12-2024.
State :
Maharashtra ( 53 more MPs )
Constituency :
N/A Party :
Independent ( 35 more MPs )
Nature of membership :
Elected Start of Term :
End of Term :
04-07-2010 No. of Term :
First Term Parliamentary Activity
Selected MP
National Average
State Average
Detailed Information
Attendance details of Rahul Bajaj (88% Attendance)
Session | Attendance |
Budget Session 2010 | 100% |
Winter Session 2009 | 70% |
First Session 2009 | 100% |
Budget Session II 2009 | 88% |
Debates (Participated in 17 Debates)
Questions details of Rahul Bajaj (57 questions asked)
Date | Title | Type | Ministry or Category |
07.05.2010 | Candidates qualifying NET examination | Unstarred | Human Resource Development |
06.05.2010 | Indian viewpoint over Afghanistan and Pakistan | Starred | External Affairs |
05.05.2010 | Duty free car import under Indo-EU FTA | Unstarred | Commerce and Industry |
04.05.2010 | Deaths during clinical trials of drugs | Unstarred | Health and Family Welfare |
04.05.2010 | Data about shareholders in the country | Unstarred | Finance |
03.05.2010 | Improvements in National Accounts Statistics | Unstarred | Statistics and Programme Implementation |
03.05.2010 | Reserves of coal | Unstarred | Coal |
27.04.2010 | Viability of smaller States | Unstarred | Finance |
22.04.2010 | Countries offering dual citizenship | Unstarred | External Affairs |
19.04.2010 | Copenhagen accord and Kyoto Protocol | Unstarred | Environment and Forests |
16.04.2010 | Per student subsidy in higher education | Unstarred | Human Resource Development |
15.04.2010 | Compensation for accidents in nuclear power plants | Unstarred | Prime Minister |
15.03.2010 | Status of Competition Comion | Starred | Corporate Affairs |
15.03.2010 | Delay in comioning of power projects | Unstarred | POWER |
04.03.2010 | Pending Parliamentary Bills | Unstarred | PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS |
04.03.2010 | Foreign Secretary level talks with Pakistan | Unstarred | External Affairs |
03.03.2010 | Obstacles in access to China in certain sectors | Unstarred | Commerce and Industry |
24.02.2010 | Construction of railway flyover at Butibori on NH-7 near Nagpur | Unstarred | Road Transport and Highways |
24.02.2010 | Impact of Indo-Thai FTA | Starred | Commerce and Industry |
23.02.2010 | WHO's assessment of swine flu threat | Unstarred | Health and Family Welfare |
18.12.2009 | Loss to Railways in passenger services | Unstarred | Railways |
18.12.2009 | Reform of education sector | Unstarred | Human Resource Development |
17.12.2009 | CSIR laboratories | Starred | Science and Technology |
11.12.2009 | Effect of GST system | Unstarred | Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises |
03.12.2009 | Commercial wings of Embassies | Unstarred | External Affairs |
03.12.2009 | Change in monsoon | Unstarred | Earth Sciences |
02.12.2009 | Sectors registered growth during global recession | Unstarred | Commerce and Industry |
02.12.2009 | Naxalite movement | Starred | Home Affairs |
30.11.2009 | Expenditure on R&D on renewable energy | Unstarred | New and Renewable Energy |
24.11.2009 | Vaccine against Swine Flu | Unstarred | Health and Family Welfare |
04.08.2009 | Minimum qualification for college teachers | Unstarred | Human Resource Development |
04.08.2009 | Annual cost of e-filing of TDS returns | Unstarred | Finance |
31.07.2009 | Achievement of doubling and conversion target | Unstarred | Railways |
31.07.2009 | Closed vaccine PSUs | Unstarred | Health and Family Welfare |
30.07.2009 | Minimum sittings of Parliament | Unstarred | Parliamentary Affairs |
30.07.2009 | 26/11 Mumbai attack | Unstarred | External Affairs |
30.07.2009 | Rain run off | Unstarred | Earth Sciences |
29.07.2009 | Cost of maintaining small cantonments | Unstarred | Defence |
29.07.2009 | Export sectors vulnerable to carbon tax | Unstarred | Commerce and Industry |
24.07.2009 | Expenses involved in running CGHS | Unstarred | Health and Family Welfare |
24.07.2009 | Issuing of BPL cards | Unstarred | Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution |
23.07.2009 | Global and domestic tourism | Unstarred | Tourism |
22.07.2009 | Avoiding profiteering by Toll road concessionaries | Unstarred | Road Transport and Highways |
22.07.2009 | Nation wide strike in 2008 by transport operators | Starred | Road Transport and Highways |
21.07.2009 | Reforms in higher education sector | Unstarred | Human Resource Development |
21.07.2009 | Losses suffered by NACIL | Starred | Civil Aviation |
20.07.2009 | Reduction in capital cost of solar power | Unstarred | New and Renewable Energy |
20.07.2009 | Issues at global climate change talks | Unstarred | Environment and Forests |
17.07.2009 | Diversion of kerosene and foodgrains from PDS | Starred | Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution |
10.07.2009 | Commissions/incentives paid to doctors by drugs companies | Unstarred | Health and Family Welfare |
10.07.2009 | Consumer complaint mechanism | Unstarred | Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution |
09.07.2009 | Cultivated land | Unstarred | Water Resources |
09.07.2009 | Benefit of research | Unstarred | Science and Technology |
03.07.2009 | Anti-dumping cases filed by MSMEs | Unstarred | Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises |
03.07.2009 | Delay in Monsoon | Starred | Agriculture |
02.07.2009 | Completion of work for Commonwealth Games | Unstarred | Youth Affairs and Sports |
02.07.2009 | Forecast of monsoon | Unstarred | Earth Sciences |