The Monsoon Session of Parliament concluded on August 10, 2018. The session had 18 scheduled sittings (July 18, 2018 to August 10, 2018), out of which one day was cancelled for a festival and another was adjourned after the obituary was read for Mr. Karunanidhi. For the first time in the 16th Lok Sabha, a no-confidence motion was moved against the government. This session also witnessed the election of the Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha.
Productivity of Lok Sabha was 110%, Rajya Sabha was 68%; no-confidence motion discussed
Note: * indicates confidence motions. Additionally, data for 10th Lok Sabha includes one confidence motion. |
More Bills introduced and passed in the same session with fewer Bills going to Committees
- In this session, 20 Bills were introduced, of which 12 were passed by at least one House of Parliament. These included Bills related to anti-trafficking and change in punishment for rape. Out of the total Bills introduced, six were to replace Ordinances. So far in the 16th Lok Sabha, 39 Ordinances have been issued, i.e., an average of nearly 10 Ordinances per year.
- Fewer Bills are being referred to Parliamentary Committees (26%), as compared to the 15th Lok Sabha (71%) and the 14th Lok Sabha (60%). In this Session, the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains (Amendment) Bill, 2017 and the Banning of Unregulated Deposit Schemes Bill, 2018 were referred to parliamentary committees.
- Of the 66 Bills pending in the 16th Lok Sabha, the highest number of Bills were introduced by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, followed by the Ministry of Law and Justice. These Bills include the National Medical Commission Bill, 2017, and the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill, 2017.
Nearly half the session time spent on legislative business; highest in 16th Lok Sabha |
Note: Legislative business excludes discussions on financial business such as budgets and discussion on demands for grants. |
21% questions answered orally in Lok Sabha, 33% in Rajya Sabha
16th LS has the highest number of Private Member Bills introduced in Lok Sabha since 2000
Data sources: Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha websites as on August 10, 2018; PRS.
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