Major Notifications


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Last updated: June 28, 2022, 12:14 IST

Showing 1-200 of 1,125 items.
1June 28Health Government
India’s Cumulative COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage
2June 28Health Government
SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Testing: Status Update
3May 19Health Citizens
Advisory for COVID-19 Home Testing using Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs)
4May 12Health Citizens
List of COVID-19 Home Test kits approved by ICMR
5April 22Health Citizens
List of Rapid Antigen Test Kits for COVID-19, validated by ICMR
6March 21Health Citizens
Guidelines for Covid-19 Vaccination of Children Between 12-14 Years of Age
7February 28International TravelCitizens
List of Countries/Regions in respect of which primary vaccination schedule completion certificate is allowed to be uploaded
8February 17Health Citizens
Performance evaluation of commercial kits for real time PCR for COVID-19 by ICMR identified validation centres
9February 10International TravelCitizens
Guidelines for International arrivals
10January 29Health Citizens
ICMR Approved real time PCR (RT-PCR) assays for detection of Omicron variant of SARS-COV-2
11January 20Health Citizens
Revised Comprehensive Guidelines for Management of COVID-19 in Children and Adolescents (below 18 years)
12January 20International TravelCitizens
Revised Guidelines for International Arrivals dated 20th January 2022
13January 17Health Citizens
Clinical Guidance for Management of Adult Covid-19 Patients
14January 14Health Citizens
Clinical Guidance for Management of Adult COVID-19 Patients
15January 12Health Citizens
Guidelines for Home Isolation of Mild / Asymptomatic COVID-19 Cases
16January 10Health Government
Advisory on Purposive Testing Strategy for COVID-19 in India (Version VII, dated 10th January 2022)
17January 9Health Citizens
Revised Discharge Policy for COVID-19
18January 9Health Citizens
Revised Advisory for managing Health Care Workers (HCWs) working in COVID and NonCOVID areas of the Health Care Facilities
19January 7International TravelCitizens
Revised Guidelines for International Arrivals
20January 7International TravelCitizens
List of Countries to be referred to in context of 'Guidelines for international arrivals'
21January 7International TravelCitizens
Algorithm: Guidelines for International Arrivals
22January 5Health Citizens
Revised guidelines for Home Isolation of mild /asymptomatic COVID-19 cases
23December 27Health Citizens
Guidelines for COVID-19 vaccination of children between 15-18 years and precaution dose to HCWs, FLWs & 60+
24December 24Health Citizens
COVID Management Guidance for Adults
25November 30Health Citizens
FAQs on SARS-CoV-2 Variant-Omicron
26November 28International TravelCitizens
Guidelines for International Arrivals
27November 26International TravelCitizens
List of Countries to be referred to in context of 'Guidelines for international arrivals'
28November 24Health Citizens
Guideline for the Provision of FP services during and post COVID-19 Pandemic
29November 11International TravelCitizens
Guidelines for International Arrivals updated
30November 1Health Government
Guidelines on Managing Mental Illness in Hospital Settings during COVID-19
31October 21Health Citizens
National Comprehensive Guidelines for Management of Post-COVID Sequelae
32October 20International TravelCitizens
Revised guidelines for international arrivals
33October 20International TravelCitizens
Flow Chart on algorithm for international arrivals
34October 5Health Citizens
Guidelines on operationalization of maternal health services during Covid-19 pandemic
35September 29Health Government
National Guidelines for Safe Dental Practice During Covid-19 pandemic
36August 25Travel and MovementCitizens
Revised Guidelines for domestic travel
37July 28Health Government
COVID-19 Pandemic and Tobacco Use in India
38July 2Health Government
Operational Guidance for COVID-19 Vaccination of Pregnant Women
39June 18Health Citizens
Guidelines for Management of COVID-19 in Children
40June 16Health Citizens
Guidelines on Operationalization of COVID Care Services for Children & Adolescents
41June 14TaxationCitizens
GST rates on various COVID-19 related items such as medicines and equipment reduced till September 30, 2021
42June 14Trade and CommerceCitizens
Export of Remdesivir injections and its APIs allowed in a restricted manner
43June 8Financial SystemCitizens
Contractual/ outsourced staff working in central government departments to be considered 'on duty' during state lockdowns in April-June 2021
44June 8Health Miscellaneous
Revised Guidelines for implementation of National COVID Vaccination Program
45June 7Health Citizens
Advisory for Rational use of Remdesivir for COVID-19 Treatment
46June 7International TravelCitizens
SOP for Administration of Second Dose of Covishield Vaccine Prior to Prescribed Time Interval to Travel Abroad for specific purposes
47June 1Health Citizens
Clinical Guidance on Diagnosis and Management of Diabetes at COVID-19 Patient Management Facility
48June 1TaxationBusinesses
Various relaxations provided for GST compliances extended, including waiver of late fee and reduced interest rates for delayed payment
49June 1Trade and CommerceCitizens
Export of Amphotericin B injections restricted
50May 31TaxationCitizens
Amphotericin B exempted from the levy of IGST, customs duty, and health cess till August 31, 2021
51May 31TaxationCitizens
COVID-19 relief supplies imported on payment basis (for free distribution) also exempted from IGST till August 31, 2021
52May 31TaxationCitizens
IGST exemption on free import of COVID-19 relief supplies (for free distribution) extended till August 31, 2021
53May 29TaxationCitizens
GST Council constituted a Group of Ministers to examine the need for GST exemptions/ concessions on COVID-19 relief supplies
54May 28International TravelCitizens
Travel and visa restriction related to COVID-19 extended
55May 28TaxationCitizens
GST Council approved various compliance-related relaxations such as waiver of late fee and reduced interest rates for late payment
56May 27Health Citizens
Guidelines for near to home COVID vaccination centers for elderly and differently abled citizens.
57May 24Health Citizens
Updated detailed guidelines on clinical management of COVID-19 protocols for adults
58May 21MediaBusinesses
Advisory to social media platforms regarding curbing misinformation related to COVID-19
59May 20TaxationCitizens
Deadlines extended for various compliances under the Income Tax Act, 1961
60May 19Health Citizens
Clinical guidance for management of adult COVID-19 patients
61May 19Health Citizens
ICMR Advisory for COVID-19 Home Testing using Rapid Antigen Tests
62May 17Health Citizens
Clinical guidance for management of adult COVID-19 patients
63May 16Health Citizens
SOP on COVID-19 Containment & Management in Peri-urban, Rural & Tribal areas
64May 15Trade and CommerceCitizens
Relaxations provided under Gas Cylinders Rules, 2016 to fast track approvals for imported cylinders and pressure vessels for storage of medical oxygen
65May 14Trade and CommerceGovernment
Supplies required for containment of COVID-19 exempted from the Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order, 2017 till September 2021
66May 9Health Citizens
ICMR Advisory on Screening, Diagnosis & Management of Mucormycosis
67May 7MediaBusinesses
Advisory to social media platforms regarding curbing misinformation related to COVID-19
68May 7TaxationCitizens
Rs 2 lakh limit on cash payment relaxed in case of hospitals, COVID-19 care centres, and other medical facilities providing COVID-19 treatment
69May 6Health Citizens
SOP for COVID vaccination of people without prescribed identity card through CoWIN
70May 5Health Citizens
Revised guidelines for home isolation of mild/asymptomatic COVID cases
71May 5Health Government
Advisory issued to states to ensure that all hospitals have plan of action to ensure no fire incidents occur in health facilities and they have access to uninterrupted power supply
72May 4Health Citizens
ICMR Advisory for COVID-19 testing during the second wave of the pandemic
73May 3Health Miscellaneous
Augmentation of human resources for COVID-19
74May 3TaxationCitizens
COVID-19 relief supplies imported for donation/ free distribution exempted from IGST till June 30, 2021
75May 1TaxationCitizens
IGST rate on import of oxygen concentrators for personal use reduced to 12% till June 30, 2021
76May 1TaxationBusinesses
Various relaxations provided for GST compliances, including waiver of late fee and reduced interest rates for delayed payment
77April 30TaxationCitizens
Deadline for certain compliances under the Income Tax Act, 1961 extended till May 31, 2021
78April 30Trade and CommerceCitizens
Oxygen concentrators imported for personal use to be permitted as gifts for customs exemptions till July 31, 2021
79April 29Administrative ServicesGovernment
Containment measures with validity until May 31, 2021 issued to states. Containment zones and community measures prescribed.
80April 28Administrative ServicesGovernment
Transfer of officers of the Ministry of Labour and Employment prohibited till May 31, 2021 as a preventive step for COVID-19
81April 27Financial SystemGovernment
Certain financial rules relaxed for procurement of medical and other essential supplies by Indian missions
82April 27TaxationCitizens
Deadline for making payments under the Direct Tax Vivad se Vishwas Act extended from April 30, 2021 to June 30, 2021
83April 27TaxationCitizens
Deadline for issuing certain notices/ orders under the Income Tax Act extended from April 30, 2021 to June 30, 2021
84April 26Trade and CommerceCitizens
Dedicated helpdesk set up by CBIC to expedite customs clearance of imports related to COVID-19
85April 26Trade and CommerceCitizens
Dedicated helpdesk set up by DGFT to resolve issues being faced in exports/ imports related to COVID-19
86April 25Essential Goods and ServicesGovernment
Guidelines prohibiting industrial use of medical oxygen issued to state governments.
87April 25Travel and MovementBusinesses
All charges for ships carrying oxygen and related equipment cargo waived
88April 24Financial SystemGovernment
Certain financial rules relaxed for procurement of medical and other essential supplies by certain departments
89April 24Health Citizens
DGCI gives a restricted emergency use approval to the Zydus Cadila’s ‘Virafin’ for treating the patients showing moderate COVID-19 symptoms
90April 24Health Government
Indian Railways provides COVID care coaches to state authorities
91April 24Health Citizens
Imports of COVID-19 vaccine, ventilators, and medical oxygen (and all related equipment's) exempted from customs duty and health cess till July 31, 2021
92April 23Administrative ServicesGovernment
Regional Passport Office in Mumbai suspended operations of all Passport Office Kendras to contain the spread of COVID-19.
93April 23DefenceGovernment
Defence Minister delegates emergency financial powers to Armed Forces Medical Services to provide services to armed forces and aid the civil administration
94April 23Essential Goods and ServicesGovernment
State governments advised to rationalise oxygen allocation and map available oxygen generating plants.
95April 23Financial SystemGovernment
RBI extended the higher limit allowed to states for Ways and Means Advances for six months till September 2021
96April 23Food DistributionCitizens
Additional food grains to be provided to NFSA beneficiaries in May and June 2021 under Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana
97April 23Labour and EmploymentGovernment
Service measures taken by ESI Corporation during recent surge of COVID-19 pandemic
98April 23Trade and CommerceBusinesses
Control room in DPIIT to monitor the issues of internal trade, manufacturing, delivery and logistics of essential commodities during Covid pandemic
99April 22Essential Goods and ServicesGovernment
Advisory issued to implement measures to ensure reasonable pricing and supply of essential drugs like Remedesivir and Toclizumab
100April 22Essential Goods and ServicesGovernment
Advisory issued to union territories to ensure reasonable pricing and supply of essential drugs like Remedesivir and Toclizumab
101April 22Essential Goods and ServicesGovernment
Guidelines issued to state governments to ensure adequate supply of medical oxygen.
102April 22Financial SystemBusinesses
RBI reviews dividend declaration norms for banks in view of COVID-19 pandemic
103April 22Health Citizens
Guidelines on proning for self care during COVID 19
104April 22Health Citizens
Clinical guidance for management of adult COVID-19 patients
105April 21Health Citizens
Liberalised Pricing and Accelerated National Covid-19 Vaccination Strategy
106April 20Health Citizens
Protocol for Management of Covid - 19 in the Paediatric Age Group
107April 20Health Citizens
Imports of Remdesivir injections and related ingredients exempted from customs duty till October 31, 2021
108April 20Law and OrderGovernment
Guidelines to prevent and control spread of COVID-19 in prisons and correctional homes issued
109April 19Essential Goods and ServicesGovernment
Central government asks state governments to ensure availability of essential supplies at fair price
110April 19Health Government
Physical attendance of the officers of the level of Under Secretary or equivalent and below to be restricted to 50% for all central level organisations
111April 18Essential Goods and ServicesGovernment
States and union territories directed to take measures to prohibit supply of oxygen for industrial supply
112April 18Essential Goods and ServicesGovernment
Orders issued to state government to comply with oxygen supply plans drafted by an Empowered Group under the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade.
113April 18Health Government
Indian Railways to run trains for transporting liquid medical oxygen and oxygen cylinders
114April 17Travel and MovementCitizens
Indian Railways takes various measures to contain the spread of the resurgence of COVID-19 pandemic
115April 16Health Businesses
Under COVID Suraksha Program, Department of Biotechnology provides financial support to Bharat Biotech and certain PSUs for enhancing production capacities
116April 13Administrative ServicesGovernment
Preventive measures in offices of Ministry of Information and Broadcasting to contain the spread of COVID-19
117April 13Health Businesses
Department of Biotechnology provides additional funds towards clinical studies of mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine HGCO19 developed by Gennova Biopharmaceuticals based in Pune
118April 13Health Citizens
Sputnik-V vaccine approved for restricted use in emergency situation
119April 12Administrative ServicesGovernment
Notice regarding restricting attendance of employees in offices of the Railways Board
120April 11Health Businesses
Guidance on COVID Vaccination at Work Places
121April 11Health Miscellaneous
Exports of Injection Remdesivir and Remdesivir Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) till the COVID situation in the country improves
122April 11Trade and CommerceBusinesses
Export of Remdesivir and Remdesivir APIs prohibited
123April 8Travel and MovementCitizens
State-wise quarantine regulations as of April 8, 2021
124April 7Financial SystemCitizens
Monetary policy stance to remain accommodative to mitigate impact of COVID-19 on the economy
125April 7Financial SystemCitizens
RBI issues directions regarding asset classification and income recognition following the expiry of COVID-19 regulatory package
126April 6MediaBusinesses
Ministry of I&B issues advisory to all private TV channels for disseminating messages for COVID-appropriate behaviour and vaccination of eligible persons
127April 1Trade and CommerceBusinesses
Credit Guarantee Scheme for Subordinate Debt (CGSSD) extended up to September 30, 2021
128April 1Travel and MovementBusinesses
Certain permit requirements for vehicles carrying oxygen waived
129March 31Health Miscellaneous
Guidelines on COVID vaccine payment through PMJAY by hospitals to National Health Authority
130March 30Travel and MovementMiscellaneous
Enhanced Surveillance for COVID-19 protocol at airports
131March 26Travel and MovementCitizens
Extension of validity of permits under Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 for vehicles till June 30, 2021.
132March 23International TravelCitizens
Travel and Visa restrictions extended till April 30, 2021
133March 23International TravelCitizens
Restrictions on international travel of passengers extended till April 30, 2021
134March 17MediaBusinesses
Guidelines to community radio stations for promotion of COVID-19 appropriate behaviour and vaccination
135February 26Administrative ServicesGovernment
Union Territories directed to extend containment measures issued in January, 2021 till March 31, 2021.
136February 26Travel and MovementGovernment
Containment measures with validity until April31, 2021 issued to states.
137February 17International TravelCitizens
Flow Chart on SOP for international arrivals
138February 13Health Businesses
SOP on preventive measures to contain spread of COVID-19 in offices
139January 19Essential Goods and ServicesGovernment
India started vaccine delivery to neighbouting countries and key partner countries
140January 18EnvironmentBusinesses
The period between April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021 not be considered for calculation of validity of prior environment clearances
141January 8Travel and MovementMiscellaneous
Guidelines for the carriage of COVID-19 vaccines packed in Dry Ice by air
142January 1Travel and MovementBusinesses
Validity of Airfrare Band extended to Feb 24, 2020
143December 9Travel and MovementBusinesses
Validity of NOC for scheduled and non-scheduled commuter/air transport services extended till Dec 31, 2021
144November 11Essential Goods and ServicesGovernment
Guidelines for operation of Anganwadi Services during Covid-19
145November 10Health Citizens
Aarogya Setu Data Access and Knowledge Sharing Protocol, 2020 extended for another six months (up to May 2021)
146November 5EducationCitizens
UGC issues safety guidelines for reopening of universities and colleges. For centrally funded institutions, the head of the institution will decide regarding reopening based on the situation. For other institutions, decision will be taken by the respective state government.
147November 5International TravelCitizens
Guidelines for International Arrivals updated
148November 5Travel and MovementBusinesses
SOPs for Re-opening of Museums, Exhibitions and Art Galleries, on preventive measures to contain spread of COVID-19
149November 2Financial AidBusinesses
Government extends the ECGS announced under the Aatma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan by 1 month till November 30, 2020.
150October 29TaxationCitizens
LTC cash voucher scheme for government employees extended to non-government employees as well with exemption from income tax
151October 27TaxationCitizens
Deadlines for filing declaration and paying dues extended to December 31, 2020 and March 31, 2021, respectively, for availing benefits under the Direct Tax Vivad se Vishwas Act
152October 24TaxationBusinesses
Deadline for filing GST annual return and reconciliation statement for 2018-19 extended by two months to December 31, 2020
153October 24TaxationCitizens
Deadline for filing income tax return for assessment year 2020-21 extended to December 31, 2020 (January 31, 2021 in certain cases)
154October 23Financial SystemCitizens
Scheme guidelines to provide relief to borrowers from payment of interest on interest on loans during the moratorium period
155October 16Travel and MovementBusinesses
Guidelines for holding cultural events/activities in Virtual / Online mode under various scheme components of Central Sector Scheme ‘KalaSanskriti Vikas Yojana’ (KSVY)
156October 15EducationCitizens
Extension of academic calendar for classroom classes in Universities (to begin from December 1 now)
157October 15Trade and CommerceBusinesses
SOPs to hold business to business trade exhibitions during COVID-19 were issued.
158October 15Travel and MovementBusinesses
SOPs for Cultural Functions & Programs on preventive measures to contain spread of COVID-19
159October 13Travel and MovementCitizens
Ministry of Railways approves 196 pairs of Festival Special services
160October 12Financial AidGovernment
The government announced measures to stimulate demand and encourage the Centre and states to undertake capital expenditure
161October 9Financial SystemBusinesses
RBI announced measures to enhance liquidity, boost exports and improve credit to certain sectors
162October 9SportsCitizens
Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs releases SOP for training of sportspersons at swimming pools in a COVID-19 environment.
163October 7Administrative ServicesGovernment
Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 - guidelines regarding attendance of government officials.
164October 7Travel and MovementCitizens
Refund on cancellation of air tickets during lockdown
165October 6MediaCitizens
MIB issues SOPs for Exhibition of Films on preventive measures to contain spread of COVID-19.
166October 5EducationCitizens
MHRD publishes SOP for Health and Safety protocols for Reopening of Schools. The guidelines also contain a SOP for serving mid-day meals in schools
167October 3SportsCitizens
Sports Authority of India issues guidelines (SOP) for high-performance athletes who are training at SAI centres and tested positive for COVID-19.
168September 30TaxationCitizens
Revised time limit specified for certain compliances under the customs, excise, and other laws, through the Taxation and Other Laws Act, 2020
169September 30TaxationCitizens
Deadline for filing income tax return for assessment year 2019-20 extended by two months to November 30, 2020
170September 29Corporate AffairsBusinesses
Relaxations in certain compliances under the Companies Act initially provided on March 24 upto September 30 has been extended to December 31, 2020.
171September 29Financial SystemGovernment
Extension of Interim Relaxation in WMA limits and overdraft regulations for States till March 31, 2021
172September 28Corporate AffairsBusinesses
LLP Settlement Scheme which permitted delayed filings under the LLP Act up to September 30, 2020, extended to December 31
173September 28Corporate AffairsBusinesses
Companies Fresh State Scheme which permitted delayed filings under the Companies Act up to September 30, 2020, extended to December 31
174September 28Financial SystemGovernment
Revised expenditure limits specified for certain ministries/ departments for the first two quarters of 2020-21 will be continued for the Oct-Dec quarter, with limits reverted for three departments
175September 24EducationCitizens
UGC issues revised guidelines on Academic Calendar for first year students for the academic year 2020-21.
176September 24Financial SystemBusinesses
Suspension of initiation of corporate insolvency resolution proceedings under IBC extended till December 25, 2020.
177September 23EducationCitizens
UGC invites applications from higher education institutions to offer online and open distance learning programmes (as per its September 4 guidelines).
178September 23Financial SystemGovernment
Ministries/ departments need to seek approval of the Dept. of Expenditure to transfer any funds from certain specified heads of expenditure to any other head
179September 23Travel and MovementCitizens
Updated guidelines for domestic travel allowing baggage limit as per airlines policy
180September 15EducationCitizens
MHRD releases eight-week alternative academic calendar by NCERT for the secondary stage.
181September 15Travel and MovementCitizens
Ministry of Railways announces 20 additional Special trains from 21.09.2020
182September 10Financial SystemMiscellaneous
Conditions for issuance of e-insurance policies in light of COVID, valid till March 31, 2021.
183September 8Travel and MovementCitizens
Updated state-wise quarantine guidelines.
184September 5Travel and MovementCitizens
Indian Railways to run additional 40 pairs of more special trains w.e.f. 12th September 2020
185September 4EducationCitizens
UGC issues new guidelines on open and distance learning.
186September 4Financial SystemGovernment
Ministries/ departments to take measures to reduce administrative expenditure, including no creation of new posts (including statutory posts) and reviewing appointment of consultants and their fees and reducing them to the minimum requirement
187September 4Financial SystemBusinesses
Report of the Expert Committee to recommend financial parameters for COVID related stress
188September 3EducationCitizens
AICTE strictly advises institutions to charge the fees commensurate with the facilities that they are providing during pandemic and not charge fees for those portions which are not accessible to students currently (such as hostel and transport fee).
189September 2EnergyBusinesses
One time relaxation on 25% of last year revenue limit for lending working capital loans to dicoms
190September 2International TravelCitizens
RT-PCR test to be made available on pilot basis at entry airports for international arriving passengers
191September 2Travel and MovementBusinesses
Limit on capacity for operating domestic flights increased from 45% to 60%
192September 1EducationCitizens
CBSE issues a compilation of significant guidelines release in context of secondary and senior school certificate examinations for the year 2020-21.
193September 1EducationCitizens
AICTE Circular to technical universities regarding fee payment. Universities should not charge fee for subsequent courses. Students cancelling admission till November 10 should get refund (except for a Rs 1,000 deduction).
194August 31Financial SystemBusinesses
Relaxation from credit rating agencies recognizing default due to restructuring of debt induced by COVID
195August 31Financial SystemGovernment
Rs 3,500 crore loan signed with the Government of Japan as official development assistance for COVID-19 crisis emergency response support
196August 31Financial SystemBusinesses
Extension of deadline for processing documents for FPIs from certain jurisdictions which are still facing lockdown restrictions.
197August 29Law and OrderCitizens
Unlock 4.0 guidelines issued (in force till September 30, 2020)
198August 27EducationCitizens
Extension of DBT-Junior Research Fellowship and DBT-Research Associateship fellowship on account of COVID-19.
199August 24Administrative ServicesGovernment
Directions regarding office attendance - Railways
200August 24Corporate AffairsBusinesses
List of eligible CSR activities expanded to include publicly funded medical research