The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill, 2019 has been passed by Rajya Sabha. The Bill was passed by Lok Sabha last week. The Bill replaces an Ordinance that was promulgated earlier this year. The Bill makes all declaration of talaq, including in written or electronic form, to be void (i.e. not enforceable in law) and illegal. It makes the declaration of talaq a cognizable offence, attracting up to three years’ imprisonment with a fine. (A cognizable offence is one for which a police officer may arrest an accused person without warrant.)
During the discussion on the Bill, several members requested that the Bill be referred to a Committee for further legislative scrutiny. A division was called on this motion with 84 members in favour of it being sent to a Committee and 100 members against the Bill being referred to a Committee. The motion was negated.
The Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2019 was passed by the upper House. This Bill was passed by Lok Sabha on July 26, 2019. The Bill replaces an Ordinance that was introduced earlier this year. The Bill aims to tighten CSR compliance, transfer certain responsibilities to NCLT and re-categorize certain offences as civil offences.
In Lok Sabha today, the National Institute of Design (Amendment) Bill, 2019 was introduced.
Two Bills were passed by Lok Sabha today. These include the Consumer Protection Bill, 2019 and the Code on Wages, 2019.
The Consumer Protection Bill, 2019 defines six consumer rights, including the right to (i) be protected against the marketing of goods and services which are hazardous to life and property; (ii) be informed of the quality, quantity, potency, purity, standard and price of goods or services; (iii) be assured of access to a variety of goods or services at competitive prices; and (iv) seek redressal against unfair or restrictive trade practices.
To understand the provisions of the Bill and how it aims to safeguard consumer rights, watch a short explainer video here.
The Code on Wages, 2019 seeks to regulate wage and bonus payments in all employments where any industry, trade, business, or manufacture is carried out. The Code replaces the following four laws: (i) the Payment of Wages Act, 1936, (ii) the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, (iii) the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965, and (iv) the Equal Remuneration Act, 1976.