The National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development Bill, 2021 was introduced in Lok Sabha. First announced in this year’s Budget speech, the bill sets up the National Bank for Financing Infrastructure and Development for infrastructure financing. During the Budget speech, the Finance Minister had said Rs 20,000 crore has been set aside to capitalize the institution. See this thread for all the 2021 Budget policy announcements.
This was followed by consideration and passing of the Insurance (Amendment) Bill, 2021 which increases the maximum foreign investment allowed in Indian insurance companies. It was introduced and passed in Rajya Sabha last week.
The House then took up the Government of NCT of Delhi Amendment Bill, 2021. The bill amends certain powers and responsibilities of the Legislative Assembly and the Lieutenant Governor. Later, the Marine Aids to Navigation Bill, 2021 was taken up for discussion.
In Rajya Sabha, the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Bill, 2021 was taken up for discussion and subsequently passed. The Bill was introduced and passed in Lok Sabha last week.
The Insurance Amendment Bill, the Mines and Minerals Bill, the Marine Aids to Navigation Bill, and the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order (Amendment) Bill, 2021 were added to the day's agenda through supplementary lists of business.
The sitting time of Rajya Sabha was extended to consider and pass the Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order (Amendment) Bill, 2021. Discussion on the Marine Aids to Navigation Bill, 2021 was ongoing in Lok Sabha.
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645 days In the Speaker’s absence in Lok Sabha today, the panel of Chairpersons presided over the House today. This was because the House hasn't elected a Deputy Speaker since its constitution in June 2019. Article 93 of the Constitution states that Lok Sabha will choose two Members of the House to be Speaker and Deputy Speaker at the earliest possible. In the 17th Lok Sabha, the election for the post of Deputy Speaker has not been conducted in 645 days from the commencement of the first session. |