Lok Sabha took up a discussion on price rise today. Several Members raised issues ranging from the rising fuel prices to income inequality in the country and share of states in central taxes. Meanwhile, other Members discussed the impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on India’s economic situation. More on our Twitter thread here.
Earlier in the day, the suspension of the four Lok Sabha Members was revoked. The Central Universities (Amendment) Bill, 2022 was also introduced. The Bill amends the 2009 Act to convert the National Rail and Transportation University, Vadodara, a deemed University, into Gati Shakti Vishwavidyalaya, an autonomous Central University under the administrative control of the Ministry of Railways.
The WMD and their Delivery Systems (Prohibition of Unlawful Activities) Amendment Bill, 2022 and the Indian Antarctic Bill, 2022 were passed in Rajya Sabha.
The debate on price rise was ongoing in Lok Sabha at the time of updating this note.
Numbers to note |
₹2,700 crore The Ministry of Mines informed Rajya Sabha today that the fines realised by state governments against cases of illegal mining from 2019-20 till December 2021 amounted to a total of ₹2,700 crore. Madhya Pradesh realized fines to the tune of ₹1,152 crore in the same time period. |