Lok Sabha continued discussion on the demands for grants of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. The Minister, Mr. Thaawarchand Gehlot replied at the end of the debate.
The Lower House also took up discussion on the demands for grants of the Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism. During the debate, members raised their concerns regarding the poor financial health of Air India, the presence of multiple regulators, need for competitive framework in the sector, among other things.
Rajya Sabha saw disruptions during the first half of the day. Members of the opposition raised the issue of anomalies in the Gujarat petroleum corporation. The Leader of the House however stated that the issue was being examined by the Public Accounts Committee in the state and it would not be appropriate for the Upper House to take it up for discussion.
During the second half, Rajya Sabha passed the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Bill. The Bill allows for the transfer of mining leases which have been granted through procedures other than auction, and where the minerals are used for captive purpose.
Rajya Sabha also took up discussion on the Appropriation Bill to pass the Railways Budget. The Minister replied at the end of the debate.