Rajya Sabha adjourned for the day due to continued protests by Opposition members over the issue related to the Governor of Arunachal Pradesh. The Deputy Chairman of the House informed members that a substantive motion related to the issue was under consideration.
The Upper House worked briefly during the first hour of the day as members raised concerns about increasing prices.
The Minister of Environment and Forests also made a statement in the House regarding the decisions taken at the CoP 21 in Paris.
Lok Sabha passed the Commercial Courts, Commercial Divisionand Commercial Appellate Division of High Courts Bill, 2015. The Bill enables the creation of commercial divisions in high courts with original jurisdiction, and commercial courts at the district level , where the high court does not exercise ordinary original civil jurisdiction.
Commercial appellate divisions may be set up in all high courts to hear appeals against: (i) orders of commercial divisions of high courts; (ii) orders of commercial courts; and (iii) appeals arising from domestic and international arbitration matters that are filed before the high courts. Such commercial appellate divisions in high courts will be set up by the Chief Justice of that High Court.
The Lower House also initiated discussion on the Arbitrationand Conciliation (Amendment) Bill, 2015. The Bill introduces fast tracking of arbitration and ensures timely disposal of cases.