The National Institute of Design Amendment Bill, 2018 was introduced in Lok Sabha today. The Bill brings the NIDs at Bhopal, Vijayawada, Kurukshetra, and Jorhat under the ambit of the National Institute of Design Act, 2014. It proposes to declare these institutes as institutions of national importance.
The House adjourned soon after the introduction of this Bill due to repeated disruptions.
Rajya Sabha remained adjourned for most of the day.
Today was the 6th sitting day of the Parliament’s Winter Session. There are only 14 sitting days left to finish this session’s legislative agenda.
Out of the 23 Bills listed for consideration and passage, 21 Bills still remain to be taken up for discussion. For instance, the Consumer Protection Bill, 2018 which was introduced in Lok Sabha earlier this year, has been repeatedly listed in Lok Sabha’s agenda for consideration and passage. The Trafficking of Persons (Prevention, Protection and Rehabilitation) Bill, 2018, has been passed in Lok Sabha and is pending in Rajya Sabha, remains to be discussed.
Out of the 20 Bills listed for introduction, consideration, and passage, 15 Bills are left to be introduced.