Data includes all MPs except Ministers. Ministers represent the
government in debates, so we do not report their participation. They do
not sign the attendance register, ask questions, or introduce private
member bills. Note: State averages are unavailable for Chandigarh, Puducherry, Nagaland, and Meghalaya.
Top States by Debate Participation
State | State's Debates average | State | State's Debates average |
Himachal Pradesh | 86.3 | Delhi | 32 |
Andaman and Nicobar Islands | 82 | Manipur | 29 |
Sikkim | 70 | Maharashtra | 28.8 |
Kerala | 69.4 | Punjab | 23.8 |
Uttarakhand | 53 | Goa | 23.5 |
Rajasthan | 51.5 | Assam | 22.1 |
Tamil Nadu | 47.2 | Tripura | 21.5 |
Madhya Pradesh | 46.6 | Karnataka | 21.2 |
Bihar | 45.1 | Andhra Pradesh | 20.3 |
Jammu and Kashmir | 44.4 | Arunachal Pradesh | 13.8 |
Uttar Pradesh | 43.9 | Chhattisgarh | 13.6 |
West Bengal | 43.5 | Haryana | 13.1 |
Gujarat | 41 | Daman and Diu | 8 |
Jharkhand | 38.8 | Dadra and Nagar Haveli | 2 |
Lakshadweep | 36 | Mizoram | 2 |
Orissa | 35 | Source: PRS Legislative Research |
Top States by Questions Asked
State | State's Questions average | State | State's Questions average |
Lakshadweep | 631 | Andaman and Nicobar Islands | 221 |
Maharashtra | 500 | Goa | 214 |
Kerala | 416 | Chhattisgarh | 183 |
Tamil Nadu | 398 | Sikkim | 180 |
Gujarat | 382 | West Bengal | 175 |
Orissa | 382 | Punjab | 170 |
Karnataka | 350 | Tripura | 155 |
Andhra Pradesh | 339 | Uttarakhand | 112 |
Himachal Pradesh | 337 | Manipur | 107 |
Bihar | 331 | Jammu and Kashmir | 96 |
Rajasthan | 304 | Assam | 83 |
Delhi | 296 | Daman and Diu | 78 |
Uttar Pradesh | 254 | Arunachal Pradesh | 59 |
Jharkhand | 251 | Dadra and Nagar Haveli | 33 |
Madhya Pradesh | 233 | Mizoram | 12 |
Haryana | 231 | Source: PRS Legislative Research |
Top States by Attendance
State | State's Attendance average | State | State's Attendance average |
Manipur | 98% | Punjab | 78% |
Mizoram | 96% | Gujarat | 76% |
Himachal Pradesh | 92% | Andaman and Nicobar Islands | 76% |
Rajasthan | 88% | Arunachal Pradesh | 75% |
Goa | 88% | Maharashtra | 74% |
Jammu and Kashmir | 88% | Orissa | 74% |
Bihar | 87% | West Bengal | 72% |
Sikkim | 87% | Tamil Nadu | 69% |
Delhi | 84% | Haryana | 69% |
Madhya Pradesh | 82% | Karnataka | 68% |
Tripura | 80% | Andhra Pradesh | 68% |
Assam | 80% | Jharkhand | 66% |
Kerala | 79% | Daman and Diu | 64% |
Uttar Pradesh | 79% | Chhattisgarh | 60% |
Uttarakhand | 79% | Dadra and Nagar Haveli | 44% |
Lakshadweep | 78% | Source: PRS Legislative Research |
Top States by Private Member Bills
State | State's Private Member Bills average | State | State's Private Member Bills average |
Delhi | 5.6 | Goa | 0.5 |
Uttarakhand | 4.6 | Assam | 0.5 |
Lakshadweep | 2 | Tripura | 0.5 |
Maharashtra | 1.7 | Chhattisgarh | 0.5 |
Kerala | 1.5 | Tamil Nadu | 0.4 |
Gujarat | 1.4 | Madhya Pradesh | 0.4 |
Andaman and Nicobar Islands | 1 | Uttar Pradesh | 0.4 |
Sikkim | 1 | Andhra Pradesh | 0.4 |
Rajasthan | 1 | Karnataka | 0.2 |
Orissa | 0.9 | Haryana | 0.1 |
West Bengal | 0.8 | Jammu and Kashmir | 0 |
Jharkhand | 0.8 | Arunachal Pradesh | 0 |
Bihar | 0.7 | Daman and Diu | 0 |
Punjab | 0.7 | Dadra and Nagar Haveli | 0 |
Himachal Pradesh | 0.6 | Mizoram | 0 |
Manipur | 0.5 | Source: PRS Legislative Research |