Rajya Sabha announced the time allotted to government legislative business for the remainder of the week.
Consideration and Passing as passed by Lok Sabha:
The Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2019 - 6 hours
Consideration and Passing after passed by Lok Sabha:
The Anti-Maritime Piracy Bill, 2019 - 3 hours
The Code on Social Security Bill, 2019 - 4 hours
The Central Sanskrit University Bill, 2019 - 2 hours
The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens (Amendment) Bill - 2 hours
The Constitution (126th Amendment) Bill, 2019 - 3 hours
The House later held a discussion on the need for the completion of National Irrigation Projects to tackle emerging water crisis and inclusion of ‘Water’ to the Concurrent List of the Constitution from the State list. During the discussion, some Members suggested that India must have a national plan to encourage water harvesting. This was followed by a statement from the Commerce and Industry Minister regarding India's position in the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).
The House then took up the Arms (Amendment) Bill, 2019 for consideration and passing. The Bill, as passed in Lok Sabha, limits the possession of licensed firearms to two per person. A motion to refer the Bill to a Rajya Sabha Select Committee was defeated by voice vote, and then the Bill was passed.
In Lok Sabha, the House took up the Constitution (One Hundred and Twenty-Sixth Amendment) Bill, 2019 for consideration and passing. The Constitution provides for reservation of seats for SCs and STs and representation of the Anglo-Indian community by nomination, in Lok Sabha and in State Legislative Assemblies. This has been provided for a period of 70 years since the enactment of the Constitution and is set to expire on January 25, 2020. The Bill extends the reservation by another 10 years for SCs and STs. The Bill was passed after recorded voting. The numbers were 352 Ayes and zero Noes.