Government owned Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) raised the price of petrol by Rs 6.28 per litre on May 23, 2012. After the inclusion of local taxes, this price hike amounts to an increase of Rs 7.54 per litre in Delhi.
India met 76 per cent of its total petroleum requirement in 2011-12 through im...
A relatively less turbulent Parliament still failed to clear the legislative backlog during the budget session
The big positive of the budget session of Parliament was that it was relatively less turbulent. Parliament met for the scheduled 35 days; there were some disruptions in the first part of...
The Rajya Sabha has admitted motions to amend Rules prescribed under three Acts of Parliament. Mr. P Rajeeve has moved a motion that resolves to annul the Information Technology (Intermediary) Rules. Mr. Yechuri and Mr. Balagopal have moved identical motions to amend Rules related to the...
On May 13, 2012, the Indian Parliament completed 60 years since its first sitting. To mark the occasion, a special sitting of both Houses was organised on the day.
Recently, there has been much public scrutiny of the work of MPs and the functioning of Parliament. This document presents some infor...
Parliament must use budget session to discuss key pending bills
The budget session of Parliament begins today. The last few sessions have been characterised by disruptions and consequent loss of productive time. To see one indicator, the 15th Lok Sabha, half-way through its term, has lost 30 per ...